Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chocoholics Anonymous

Food. Where do I start? My entire being revolves around food. From the moment I wake up and crave a delicious sandwich from The Sandwich Shop to my late night binges on McDonalds and one pound frozen pizza. Now my extreme love for food has been hampered a bit by the unnecessary prices upon my beloved Domino's pizza and Wheat Thins, but somehow I’ve found a way to survive…
Chocolate. How can anyone not love chocolate? I'm convinced that any single item of food would only be enhanced by the addition of chocolate. Now here is something that, to my physique's dismay, has not been effected by my pricey and posh London living.
Soon after arriving in London, I had one of my frequent chocolate cravings and discovered Cadbury chocolate bars. These heavenly candy bars are so dangerously delicious; my mouth starts to water just from thinking about them and they’re astonishingly only a pound!
Every once in a while I decide to take advantage of the fact that Cadbury chocolates are only one pound and I treat myself to Ben and Jerry’s half-baked ice cream. This delicious ice cream is almost too good to be true, but is extremely pricey so I try not to spoil myself with it more than once a week. For those sad days that Ben and Jerry’s is out of the picture, there’s always McDonalds hot fudge sundaes which are also just one pound!
This past weekend I had two of my most memorable food experiences yet in London. We had two pound trips where we went to Windsor Castle and Greenwich. After the trip inside the castle, we decided to take advantage of the local Chinese restaurant since we had yet to find good Chinese food here in London. After the delicious meal, where I jealously watched two of my friends devour the all you can eat special, I decided to push my stomach to the limits and caved for an advertisement in the nearby window: Warm waffles topped with two different kinds of ice cream and hot fudge, a chocoholics dream. After the waffles, crème brulee and nutella ice cream, topped off with hot gooey fudge, I was thoroughly satisfied with my day trip to Windsor Castle.

The next day brought me to Greenwich. Upon arriving in the city, we walked through a market encompassed in the aroma of ethnic delights. The entire tour my mind kept going back to that amazing place where I witnessed Thai, Chinese, Ethiopian, and Portuguese food. As soon as Brit told us that we were free to spend the rest of the day however we wished, I rushed back to the market. After a few hectic and glazed moments in which my mind and stomach battled with what to get, I settled on the Thai food, which gave me two different choices along with rice and a box the size of my face; why not? After this delicious meal that left me painfully full, I decided that I also had to try the brilliant kabob of strawberries and bananas coated in warm milk and white chocolate and sprinkled with almonds, hazelnuts, and marshmallows. This perfectly painted kabob was worth every penny and, after all, when am I ever going to be in this exotic little market in Greenwich again anyway?
My time here in London is overpowered by the constant reminder and craving for food. Whether it’s cookies from Ross’s market on my way to class or brownies and cookies made by my generous roommates in celebration of a birthday, I’m forever grateful for the chocolate in my life that has helped me to overcome the expensive food prices here in London. My body may not agree with me and my love for chocolate after my stay here in London, but chocolate will forever hold a warm place in my heart.

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