Tuesday, September 27, 2011


It's hard to explain my reaction to summer "vacation" after the 5 amazing months I had spent abroad.  To put it simply, it was boring.  After the novelty of seeing my precious dogs again and visiting with my friends from home wore off, I was left sleeping way too much and watching way too much criminal minds and law and order.  Life in London was full of energy, new experiences, and constant activities.  Life in small town Hartland, Wisconsin was filled with nights glued to the tv and the occasional night out with my parents to the townie bar down the street, "Woodies". 

It also was overwhelmingly dedicated to work.  After I spent those first few weeks in bed, which I insisted to my parents were because I stillllll hadn't gotten used to the time difference, I was pushed out of the house and into the search for a job.  I swear there were times my parents still wished I was in London, and my mom demonstrated this feeling of agitation by searching for jobs for me on craigslist.

Of course mom's efforts proved to be much more successful than any of my own at finding a job, and that's how I landed at the Sandbar Sports Bar.  At first sight, this job looked promising. Nights making great tips for the wealthy lake goers and spending more time with two of my best friends that also got jobs there.  Little did I know, I was in for quite the experience.  After spilling two large margaritas on a gentleman's blackberry, I learend that the owner of the establishment was not quite as "laid back" as he attempted to make himself out to be.

The job consisted of constant screaming by owners and managers and the endless bitching by my fellow female empoyees. Remind me never to work with that many girls ever again.  After two months of dealing with the leering stares of scumball men and way too many 15 hour workdays, I decided to not show up one day.  My parents, always urging me to do the right thing, pressured me into getting my job back, in which I faked "pink eye" for both a doctor and my manager.  Two weeks, after the expiration of my two weeks notice, I was home free.

While this job almost ruined my summer, I had days on the lake to ease my pain and two other jobs that I loved.  I spent time interning at the American Cancer Society and helped plan events and I worked as the assistant to a lawyer.  I also had my family and friends with me every single day, which helped me make it throught those busy days.

Returning to reality after London was tough, but it made me further appreciate the time that I was able to spend studying abroad.  It's amazing how much we were able to do while we were oversees and my repetitve summer days of doing the same thing again and again made me yearn for London, but it's time to snap back to reality and struggle through this last year in Madison.  I'll keep praying that someday, after I graduate, I can return to London and relive those days, but until then, I'll hold on to the memories that I've made.

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