Tuesday, September 27, 2011


It's a hard adjustment to go from London life to life back in Wisconsin.  However, I have found that Madison life proves to be much more enjoyable than those long, tiring days working at home this past summer.  It was amazing to return to Madison and see all of my friends that I spent every single day with over in London.  I'm even living with one of them (LC)!
Nights and days in Madison have turned into an interwoven social scene of my life before London, with bits of the great people and friends that I met while I was abroad.  The friends that I met in London made a big impact on my life, and caused me to expand my social boundaries with new people that are interested in new and foreign things to me. 
I'd like to think that we've brought a little bit of London back with us to Madison, although Madison could never compete with the classic sophistication of London.  Instead of enjoying the exotic cousine at local markets, we dine on Madison's "cart" food.  And instead of spending nights sipping cider and waitrose brand vodka, we drink tequilla shots and fishbowls.  We won't ever be able to match the elegant museums and ballet performances, but there is always movie night at the Union where you can watch intellectual flicks like Bridesmaids.
One thing that I am immensely grateful for here in Madison, are the prices.  And the coupons!! Gone are the overpriced meals and drinks, and back are the amazing deals that Madison has to offer.  Oh ya, not to mention the 3 dollar fees every single time I attempted to take money out of my account in London.  I'm very happy to say goodbye to the pound and welcome the dollar back into my thrifty life.
I'm depressed to find that Madison classes have not changed during the semester that I was absent, but I'm hoping that the 8 month long break that I recently experienced from them will help me pull through for just one more year (and then likely excruciating years of law school after that, but let's not focus on the future).  London classes were like a breath of fresh air to this anxiety crazed student that will likely have a nervous breakdown before graduation, but it's given me a whole new outlook and appreciation for the teachers we had abroad and their unique and refreshing way of teaching.
While I miss London and my travels abroad every day, I'm glad to be able to spend one more year with the people I spent those days with and to be able to relive the experiences a bit every week with the incorporation of travel journal in my life.

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