Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pink Flutter

Pink Flutter, by Sam Gilliam, is a bright and colorful painting created with acrylic paint on canvas.  This picture (shown below, but in person is brighter) immediately caught my attention with the bright colors and splattering of paint. 
The pinks, purples, and oranges remind me of a forest at sunrise. The dark, vertical streaks of color resemble the thick trunks of trees and the splattering of paint looks like rain drops lightly falling from the branches. This painting really struck me because it reminds me of my house when I was growing up.  I grew up in a wooded area, surronded by cornfields and tree-lined paths.  This painting is an abstract picture of the trees lining my childhood road, North Lake Drive, the morning after a storm.
This picture makes me sad and happy at the same time.  Sad, because I miss home while I'm at school and the beauty surrounding the town I grew up in.  But happy at the same time because it brings back such happy memories from my past.  I feel that I need to take the time to explore more of the beauty of Madison, instead of just the city and the litter that seems to play too big of a part of it.

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