Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Uncertain Future

Right now studying for exams, it is extremely difficult not to think of the future and where I'll be this time next year.  I graduate next May and still have no idea what career path I'll end up taking or even what the right decision is for me.  I've always had a hard time making decisions; I just want someone to tell me what the perfect job would be for me and how to go about getting it. 

Throughout my college experience, law school has always been something in the back of my mind as an option if something else didn't fall into my lap.  At this point, law school is most likely in the plans for my future, but not immediately after I graduate.  I only have class two days a week next semester so hopefully studying for the LSAT and pushing myself to make a decision will help solidify whether it is or isn't the right path for me to take.  I'm enrolled in various law-based classes at the moment and it's hard to back up my occasional interest in law school when so many studies say that the opportuniites afforded to law school graduates today are not what they were years ago.  Law school could potentially be a very expensive and time consuming mistake, so I hope to be 100% certain that it's the path for me before I make any serious commitment.

My major is sociology and all of my courses have always interested me and, in particular, the classes with an emphasis on the criminal justice system and its counterparts.  This summer I will be staying in Madison and completing an internship for the Criminal Justice Certificate that I am fulfilling along with my sociology degreee.  I've applied for four different programs with an emphasis on the juvenile correctional system.  I think that the amount of crimes committed among today's youth and the way that they are treated in the criminal justice system is a huge problem and something that I'd like to have a role in changing.  I'm really excited for my internship this summer and hope that it is another factor that helps in my career decision.

In the mean time, I'm trying to stay in the present, finish my exams, and save the extra stresses for my month long hiatus where career searching should be my number one prority.  I hope that a year from today, I will not be in the same place I am today, wondering what the future has in store for me with no idea what I actually want for myself.  My goal for next semester is to explore as many opportunities as possible and really open myself up to all of my options, in order to determine how to  incorporate my passions in life into a career field.  Whether I end up with a job in community corrections, in grad school, or law school, I have hope that I will eventually figure it all out.  Even if it's not in the near future, I know that I have time to explore my options in order to get me to where I belong and what I'm meant to do.

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