Saturday, May 19, 2012


I hope you didn’t get too excited when you saw the title of this entry, but this engagement is NOT in reference to myself and most likely will not be anyyyy time soon.  While I was traveling to Pasadena, I missed a phone call and a few brief and frantic texts from my older sister Shannon saying call me as soon as you get a chance it’s important.  While my mind immediately jumped to engagement, my friend Lindsay chimed in my ear “oh my god what if it’s something bad…”.  In a few worry stricken seconds I was on the phone with my sister and rejoicing over her sudden engagement to my close friend and soon to be brother-in-law Michael.

After the initial shock and excitement wore off, I soon learned that with weddings, comes lots of bickering and stress.  The main and immediate issue came down to the wedding venue.  With Michael being from Minnesota and Shannon being from Wisconsin, one family would have to back down and decide to agree to it being in another state.  My mother soon made it clear that this would not be us.  With this declaration, came my parents’ biased ridden statements regarding the ceremony being at Chenequa, a country club my family has belonged to all of my life.  After Shannon resisted the decision and viewed countless other venues besides Chenequa, she finally relented and decided to celebrate her marriage where my parents have always wanted all of their children to.

The wedding is set to be on September 29th, a fall wedding just as Shannon has always wanted that is coming up quick! I’m so excited for my sister and happy that she has found someone who is so perfect for her.  They’ve also added another perfect little member to our family named Maddy! She is the most adorable white retriever (Which I never knew existed) that I have ever seen (See pic below) and she is named for the town they met and fell in love in, Madison.  These recent wedding news have started giving me a bit of anxiety of finding someone who would be willing to spend the rest of their life with me, but I’m giving myself a few years before I really start to freak out about that.  For now, I’m enjoying the wedding planning and celebrating for my beautiful sister that will be Mrs. Tierney this coming September.

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