Saturday, May 19, 2012


It’s hard to believe that my undergraduate career is finally coming to an end.  After years of laughs, tears, good friends, and amazing memories, I will be leaving Madison and heading on to my next adventure.  I’m lucky enough to be spending this summer in Madison, so I do not have to say goodbye just yet, but there are still so many things that I need to check off my “buckylist”.

With exams coming to a close and graduation getting closer and closer, it’s scary for me to imagine what I will be doing this time next year.  I’m studying for the LSAT, which I will be taking in June, but if that does not go as planned, I’ll be right back at square one and trying to find another career path that interests me.  All I know is that I’m not ready to grow up yet and have a real, full-time job.  Hopefully a few more months spent among my friends in Madison will push me in the direction of accepting that I’m not that young anymore.

I have graduation, my twenty-third birthday, my baby sister graduating high school, my brother turning twenty-one, and my older sister getting married; all coming up in the next four months.  I still feel like I’m sixteen years old, but so much time has passed since those innocent and carefree high school days.

 I hope that all of my friends here at Madison will find the right career for themselves and that I will as well.  After deliberating throughout my entire college career what I want to do with my life, I’ve finally started to accept that there isn’t one perfect job out there for me, or if there is, I won’t know it until I see it.  It will probably be years from now before I’m set with a career, but I hope that I’m patient and allow myself to find the one that is really right for me and not what everyone else around me thinks that should be right for me.  Until then I’m happy acting like I’m still a college student, and enjoying my last few months in Madison, drinking beer at the terrace and spending days lounging around with my best friends.

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